Website promotion

Website promotion is an important part of getting traffic to your site. Unfortunately, though, nothing is ever truly free, and that includes so-called free website promotion. If you don’t want to spend money on promoting your website, you’re going to have to spend time. It's important to avoid wasting time trying to market your website using methods that will only bring you minuscule returns if any. If you're prepared to work on them, these five free website promotion techniques will deliver, rewarding you with increased site traffic.

1. Work on Your Website's SEO-
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it's the best thing since sliced bread for promoting your website because it's easy to learn and apply the basics to your own website. Through working on website SEO, you can improve the page rankings of your web pages and drive more traffic to your site, which is the ultimate goal. Get started with these 7 Basic Rules of Search Engine Optimization.

2. Use Reciprocal Links-
Having other people put a link to your site on their website is a great way to get free website promotion. Be aware though that getting inbound links to your website is not a numbers game; it's the quality of the links that really matters. So make sure that you focus your linking efforts on relevant, quality sites.

3. Write and Post Articles-
The basic theory of article marketing is that you write an article and then offer it for free to various websites, blogs, magazines, etc. At the end of your article, you place a resource box or 'blurb' that promotes you and your website. The beauty of this website promotion strategy is that if you get your articles published on popular, long-lived websites or in well-known magazines, they can be sitting there promoting your website for a long, long time with no further effort on your part. However, there are catches. First, you have to be able to write well on a topic or topics that other people will want to read and/or publish. Second, you have to find the quality places for your articles to be published and persuade the people making the decisions to publish them.

4. Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to Your Website-
Social media isn't just a great place to connect with friends and family; it's also a great place to promote your website and/or business as so many people are using it. Participating in social media can be a great way to get free website promotion as it can give you high visibility at a low cost. To successfully market your website using social media, though, you’ll need a plan.

5. Create/present Quality Content-
This is the catch⁠—none of the techniques above are going to work very well for you if you don’t have quality content on your site⁠—the kind of content that other people want to read and promote on their own blogs/websites and on social media. On your website, establish a blog and/or articles presenting content that is relevant to your target market. There are a few ways to get such content. Basically, you are either going to write it yourself or get someone else to write it. The "someone else" might be staff, hired writers or guest bloggers. Which approach you choose depends on your budget as well as your time and talents.

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